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Friends of Chantry



It’s taken more than 3 years, but we’ve finally got the approval to make the adaptations to Holy Trinity church Chantry to use it as a community social space. It was considerably more complicated  process than expected. But we are finally there !!


Back in 2020 we agreed that the Holy Trinity was an important heritage asset to the Chantry community, and we should find ways to protect and preserve it. At the same time, whilst it should still function as a church, there was a greater opportunity to use the space as a community hub for meetings, social gatherings, events and activities. 


In order to make this happen, to raise the necessary funds to fix the roof leaks, install heating and lights, and to set up the events and activities, we have formed Friends of Chantry as community group. It operates under the church's charity status, and can benefit from gift aid and VAT exemptions, but is a community association and the money raised is separate from the church funds. 


We have a target of £45,000 to raise to get the church into a comfortable state. We’ve already made a good start with over £20,000 raised with contributions received from the community over the past 3 years. Over the coming weeks you’ll hear more about the plans and progress.


Thank you for coming to the village meeting on Tuesday 26th March - it was great to chat and get your feedback.  Let's make this happen!

Join and support


To Donate to Friends of Chantry, please click on the Donate button - your contribution is so valuable to the community.

Regular Planned Donations will help us with this ongoing project - a monthly payment of any amount by standing order - large or small - is encouraged. 

A suggested payment of £10 per household will go a long way, but all contributions are helpful.

Friends of Chantry

Account number: 63798875

Sort code: 60 08 31

Gift Aid

If you choose to set up a Standing Order to Friends of Chantry, you can make your gift worth 25% more at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid allows charities to reclaim the tax paid on the donations of UK Taxpayers, which means we get more out of the money you give to us. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please click on the "Gift Aid Form" button to download - fill in and hand into Andrew Bramston at Orr Farm.

To learn more about Friends of Chantry and join us, email us

Andrew Bramston 07375 357871

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